Showing posts with label Hitler Youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hitler Youth. Show all posts

Monday, June 15, 2015

New Hitler Youth Quotation Posters

I have a large section on the Wochenspruch der NSDAP, a weekly series of quotations with inspiring quotations issued between 1937 and 1944.

However, other branches of the party issued quotation posters as well.  Today I added numerous Hitler Youth quotation posters, the result of a recent visit to the German National Library in Leipzig which has about 30 of them from 1940.  They are not as graphically interesting as those issued by the Reichspropagandaleitung. Here is an example:

This one has a quotation from Dr. Walter Gross, a leading Nazi racial theorist, encouraging girls to become mothers.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Boys the Nazis Didn’t Like

I’m adding an interesting article from Morgen, the Nazi magazine for boys under twelve, later titled Der Pimpf.  Titled “Hey, You There,” It is addressed to those who were not eager to join the Hitler Youth organization.

The wrong sort of boy from the Nazi perspective

This was shortly after the Hitler Youth had replaced all other youth organizations as the result of legislation.

The issue’s cover

“Real boys,” the Nazis suggested, belonged in the rough and tumble Hitler Youth.  They weren’t mama’s boys or the favorites of maiden aunts.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Anti-Semitic Material for Girls (1944)

Although most Jews had already been killed by February 1944, the Nazi continued their anti-Semitic propaganda.  Today I am adding training material to be used in meetings with girls.  Although most  girls would have had no direct experience with Jews, they are told that Jews remain a deadly threat to Germany.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Speech by Gauleiter Adolf Wagner (1936)

I’ve been gradually adding to a page of speeches and essays by the Nazi Gauleiter, the regional party bosses.  This material is rather difficult to find, and as always I welcome relevant material that I can add to the site.

Today I add part of a speech by Gauleiter Adolf Wagner, the party’s boss in Munich.  It takes on the Catholic Church for being unwilling to accept Nazism’s claims to total power.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Hitler Youth Training Material

I’ve added three more covers of Die Kameradschaft, the bimonthly for leaders of Hitler Youth Groups. These  are excellent examples of what Nazism wanted to inculcate in the youth. If you’re a grad student looking for a dissertation topic, there’s one in here, I think.

This 1936 issue is titled “Race is Fate,” and has a variety of material aimed at teaching kids Nazi racial theory.

And this one has to do with the evils of Bolshevism.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Material from Hitler Youth Leader Magazines

I keep adding material to my collection faster than I can do anything with it. I do try to update existing pages when I acquire more relevant material.  Today, I'm adding some material for Jungvolk (the organization for boys 10-14) leaders to the existing page on HJ training material. These leaders were usually only a few years older than their charges, consistent with the principle that "youth should be lead by youth."  Two of the newly added covers are below.

This is rather interesting material.  As I comment on the page, not much has been done with it that I know of.  It seems to me that there is a dissertation in there somewhere.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Covers from "Der Pimpf"

Der Pimpf was the Nazi monthly for boys aged 10-14. I've added five new covers to the page on the magazine.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hitler Youth Quotation Posters from 1940

Nearly every branch of the Nazi Party produced its own propaganda materials. Two collectors have kindly provided me with seven examples of weekly quotation posters issued by the Hitler Youth in 1940. According to the catalog of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, about 32 of these were published in 1940, after which publication was suspended.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Hitler Youth in Kiel

There was a burst of books of party history between 1938 and 1941, glorifying the "period of struggle." Today, I'm adding sections from a 1938 book titled The Hitler Youth in Kiel. It contains an introductory chapter outlining the history of the Hitler Youth in the area, which I have translated in full. There are then a lot of brief accounts, of which I have translated a few. The book has 128 pages. I've translated about twenty pages in all.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Nazi Reading Textbook

I've added sections and illustrations from a pre-1939 elementary school reader. The illustrations show activities of Nazi youth organizations. Such material indoctrinated children during their first years of school, persuading them to eagerly become members of the Hitler Youth when they got bigger.

Monday, April 27, 2009

New Hitler Youth Training Material

I've added two particularly striking covers of Hitler Youth training material. One is from, I think, 1934, and has a quotation from E. M. Arndt: "To be a people is the religion of our age." The other is from 1939, after the annexation of Austria. The title is: "80 million Germans live on 580,000 square kilometers." The point is that Germany is overcrowded, and needs more territory.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Hitler Youth Training Material

The various sub-groups of the Hitler Youth were often led by those hardly older than those in their charge, following the policy that "youth should lead youth." These people needed to know what they were to say. I've added a page with covers of material they received.